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The adoration for the Albanian partner Tanush Topia with the French princess Helena Anzhu!

A stunning adoration and catastrophe of ecclesiastical overseer Prince Tanush Topia with French princess Helena Anzhu.

The religion of Charlemagne, Great Charlemagne, France in Arber and the bragging of some arboreal rulers who were of French blood

The Albanian Middle Ages have been ordered by Shuflaj as a phenomenal medieval one with a honest to goodness European status. This medieval age has numerous unusual names of chronicled heroes.

I am sad that the pre-Queensland period is still next to no contemplated. For the Skanderbeg time, I need to welcome the book "Skënderbeu" by history specialist with European level, prof. Kristo Frasheri, which is a considerable commitment to Scanderbeg. Compensating Marin Barletta, this Albanian boss humanist, I have made unmistakable in my cognizance some amazing information for a lady, an authentic figure related with the Albanian medieval.

Marin Barleti, in the tenth book of his artful culmination for Skanderbeg, solidly notes: "In the kingdom of Naples, when the Chair and the position of authority of St. Dwindle was driven by Pope Urban VI, was the ruler Joana I with Epirot (Albanian) nationality and with his country Durrës .

This was in favor of Clement's pseudo-minister, who was chosen to the incomparable religious office neither in the Catholic route nor in the custom (from where he was conceived and substantial skis in the congregation of God) and managed him firmly. So Urban called for help against the lord of Hungary, Karlin, who fled to Italy with an effective armed force and left Joan without a kingdom and life. After this, Charles, in the wake of engaging and reinforcing this kingdom (of Naples), through biblical specialist, just came back to Hungary passed on of head protector. His seat was taken by his child Vladislav, who was tuned in to and overcome in the war. "

Who is Joana, who in the verifiable records is nicknamed Joana of Durres?

Joana lived and reigned in the years 1343-1382. In history she is known as Joana of Durrës, yet has controlled in the city of Naples.

It was powerful to the point that it upheld the pseudo-cleric Clement VII, who apostolate in the years 1378 to 1394, bolstered by the French anchovians, and was an enemy of Rome's Pope Urban VI, who had apostolate in 1378-1389.

This counterattack on the European level was loaded with logical inconsistencies and battles, interests, and incredible wars.

Barleti, to date, is the main antiquarian who portrays Joan of Durrës with Epirot nationality, ie Albanian, and says that he has had a country in Durres, so Durrës is the origin of the guardians or of her own.

Marin Barleti proceeds with the account of Joanna's relatives in some horse crap. Be that as it may, I would prefer not to extend in such manner.

It is intriguing that King Vladislav, otherwise called Lancilak, kicked the bucket following 29 years in the kingdom of Apollos in Italy without leaving a youngster, and his sister and his sister, Joanas, likewise called his position of royalty.

This Joan wedded Jakov Picenini, an unforeseen, and a choir, who with his sibling Francisko was serving the Ancienis against King Ferdinand of Naples, the last of Skanderbeg's companion. It is this Jakov Picenini, who was broken by Skanderbeg's armed force, amid the Albanian Emperor's Expedition in Italy on August 18, 1462. Barleti talks generally about Ferdinand and Alfonso of Naples, who were lords and vital partners of Skanderbeg.

What we find out about Joanan I, the alleged Durrës, the ruler of Naples in the nineteenth century. XIV?

Milan Shuflaj is the most unmistakable Medievalist ever of Albanian country, who says that in 1372 Ludwig of Navarre, Joanna's durrsake spouse, influenced an agreement with the French pioneer, To check of Coucyt "for the intrusion of all Albania".

It was an agreement that if Albania's towns, towns and mansions would be possessed, at that point some legitimate rights would be endorsed for the built up political circumstance in what was known as the Kingdom of Albania.

This venture has an uncommon intrigue since it looks to reproduce indeed the supposed "Regnum Albaniae" of Charles I Anzhu, who in 1272 made the Kingdom of Albania as an element of the extension of the Anzhuan control in every single Byzantine region, Balkan landmass.

Navarrà's Ludovico may have been impacted by his better half Joana of Durres, who was the primary assault in Durres city.

This in a roundabout way demonstrates why Joanna empowered Navarre Ludovico for this activity.

Joanna was upheld by the French anchies.

The part of French anchovians in medieval Albanian history is very substantial.

It is notable that the Albanian ruler Karl Topia, in the fourteenth century, was a kid conceived of an Albanian father and a mother of French ancien.

The tale of Karl Topi reviews the occasions of novel books, or of the Gothic or Pikaric novel.

The Durrës account, Tanush Topia, made a unimaginable enterprise.

He grabbed Helen, the little girl of Robert I Anzhu. Helena was accompanying a ship from Italy since she would wed, with a political contract, with a Byzantine sovereign.

The ship halted at the shores of Durres. On this break, all of a sudden Tanush Topia saw Helen and was frantically enamored with her.

In any case, beyond any doubt even Helena quickly became hopelessly enamored with Tanus.

Tanushi snatched Helen and wedded her. Helena was a light, a comfortable peach and set in the Anzhus region of France.

The ruler's agent in Durres unexpectedly debilitated for the sake of Robert I Anzhu, that Helena would comply with her dad and not do this stupidity. Helena did not comply.

Following multi year a kid was conceived, the product of this anonymous love.

His mom named Karli in memory of her granddad Charles I, lord of Naples and Sicily, who was additionally the sibling of King of France, St. Louis.

Following multi year, Helen's dad made a solicitation to Helen and Tanush Topia to come to Naples since she had as far as anyone knows pardoned and needed to influence a major devour for the agitator to couple.

He instructed them to take with them their nephew Karl Topin.

Ultimately Tanus, suspicious and far-located, did not take Karlin with him, boarded a ship with Helena's better half and went to Naples.

The Primitive Pride was glorious, a remarkable supper was sorted out, however Helen's dad, vindictive to the end, slaughtered his child in-law and his little girl in-law, influencing a blade to like work deserving of Shakespeare's age.

The little Karl Topia developed protégé, in light of the fact that his life was undermined by the operators of the French ruler.

So this Albanian medieval character remained, from the most effective and egotistical, generally peculiar.

Karl Topia kept herself in the entirety of his official engravings as a man of French blood.

The heraldic token of Karl Topi, found today at the National History Museum, mirrors the help of an Anhui lion, and additionally the Anzhuin lily figures, which are the Anhui illustrious images.

This heraldic image is the most wonderful of every single heraldic seal of Albania.

In itself, this insignia, there are some intriguing points of interest, there is an arrangement of images that have not yet been appropriately deciphered and clarified.

On the surface of the stone of this stem is a slanting shield in the lower right corner and has a retreating opening.

The correct side is isolated into squares, with the four fields having similar figures, one plate, which is separated into the correct corner in two measurements went between the two lower and lower crosses.

The left half of the shield demonstrates a field loaded with lilies, over which a slanting cross is seen from ideal to left.

Here is another strip that, in the feeling of Austrian researcher Teodor Ippen, is identified with a military toon neckline, seriously cut, which in heraldry implies the indication of the posterity, or in another line of a honorable family .

The shield comes full circle with a shut pad of calories from which hang down the two cortices of the coffin, which from the outside are secured with lily blossoms.

Rather than an edge or crown on a head protector, a rectangular cushion on which the delegated lion stands. The wreath of the lion holds three ostrich quills.

The heraldic insignia of Karl Topius may have something just the same as the heraldry utilized by the Ancien in the kingdom of Naples.

A strange certainty to date that has spared the eye of history specialists is that in the city of Kruja has existed the religion of Charlemagne, Sharlemanjanj, of France.

It is absolutely an Albanian student of history, in particular Dhimiter Fris, who was a treasurer and confided in man of Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg.

Demetrius Fris has composed and distributed an anecdote about Skanderbeg, who has known numerous interpretations and productions in Europe.

Dhimiter Fris has been personally educated, not on the grounds that he has lived in Kruja, but rather he has perceived Scanderbeg's office, Skanderbeg's associations with the European world, and what is known as the inside plan of structures perimetered by the dividers of the mansion of Kruja.

Precisely Dhimiter Fris wrote in dark on white, that in one of the squares of Kruja was raised an ideal statue of Great Charlemagne of France.

Demetrius Frits includes that some Albanian sovereigns were pleased with having begun with French blood.

This is the thing that Barleti, who is the special case who composed that the town of Kruja was made by Topiaj, a prior kin than Tanush Topia, father of Karl Topi.

With French blood, they call themselves the Duchess.

In my view, the presence of the considerable Charlemagne figure of France ought not be addressed.

It can be a figure made by a neighborhood or French stone carver and identifies with the chronicled occasion of the formation of the Albanian Kingdom by Karli Anzhu in 1272 with the capital Durrës.

France's Great Charlemagne, which joined the Franks and made an extraordinary European domain, with the point of making a world realm, including the Byzantine Empire, has been a pride of pride for the Ancients.

The Great Car Sculpture will have remained in Kruja for quite a while.

This model could have been expelled from the Turkish trespassers when they claimed Kruja, however will be reestablished amid the arrival of Skanderbeg to Kruja.


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