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Showing posts from December, 2017

Ali Pasha's Castle in the Bay of Porto Palermo

It is a little stronghold set in a lovely setting on a landmass in the little structural straight of Porto Palermo (in antiquated circumstances known as the Panormus cove). The mansion is found not a long way from the town of Qeparo. The manor has a triangular shape. Its measurements are 150 x 400 meters. The tallness of the dividers achieves 20 meters. Ali Pasha assembled this stronghold to pay tribute to his significant other Vasiliki. In the meantime, it likewise filled in as a checkpoint. The landmass where the mansion is found is secured with evergreen Mediterranean bushes, while a lovely perspective of the ocean uncovers the sound where Vasiliki is believed to be washed. The palace of Borsh has a place with the IV century and was reconstructed in the Middle Ages. It has a surface territory of ​​5 hectares and has a base of stone pieces. After the antiquated period was specified without precedent for 1258 under the name Arkonte of Sopot. In any case, this year the post is

The historical backdrop of Albanian gold hindered by the British

Toward the start of April 1945, US powers found the salt of Merker, Germany, the best fortune of the whole history of humankind. There were tonalities of gold in coins and coins, huge amounts of banknotes, yet additionally other important things, for example, the works of art by some of Europe's best creators, all victimized by the Nazis in the possessed terrains. It was unequivocally in this mine the whole measure of Albanian gold was found, around 2.5 tons burglarized by the German armed force at the Bank of Rome in Italy. In any case, despite the fact that this measure of gold was observed to be finished, in spite of the fact that documentation that demonstrated possession had been fastidious, Albanians would sit tight for 50 years to recover their stock. The British, one of the colossal successful warring forces, blocked Albanian gold because of the occurrence of the Corfu Channel, inciting a marathon of court, lawful transactions, and mystery bargains that were hel

Skanderbeg Seal

Skenderbeu Seal message what you have with Greece greek in (fakt Pellazge) demonstrates so: Ruler. Alexander. By the finesse of God. Head of the Romans,the Great, Ruler of the Turks. Albanians. Serbs. Bulgarians.


May 5, 1913 is known as the birthday of our postal stamp and since it unequivocally constitutes, notwithstanding the money and the banknote, a national image of character, its day is celebrated, history and qualities ​​are specified and the help it has given and given to culture, are valued. Post stamps in Albania  The Albanian grounds began in 1863, when the principal stamp of the Ottoman Empire, initially in the mail station of Shkodra and afterward in the other 16 postal workplaces, was issued and put into flow. Until October 1912, when the Ottoman posts in Albanian domains shut the movement, the rundown of post workplaces distributed by the Ottoman postal organization in 1909 included 62 postal administrations of the four Albanian towns. 24 of them stayed outside the fringes of smashed Albania, 13 in Greece and 11 in Yugoslavia. Then, at the workplaces of Durres, Shkodra, Shengjin, Saranda and Vlora, present stamps started on utilize the privilege of capitul

Goliku Bridge

It is 17 m long, 3 m wide, 10 m high. It is the work of art of the old road " Via Egnatia ". It was worked in the second century and is named a top notch culture landmark. It is a scaffold with two crescent wings, one of them is a release window (likewise with a half circle), and in the section between the two curves, water is framed by a water slant, normal for most extensions with at least two rafters in Albania. The scaffold is worked with cut stones, where the lower some portion of the cleft has huge stones and functioned admirably, not only for feel, but rather to make the structure more strong and more grounded.

The Treasure of Vrapce

The Water Treasure was coincidentally found in 1902 out of a town of Vrapce town some place in the Peqin area. The Treasury contained 9 Byzantine gold vessels with a weight of 3,044 kg, 30 silver holders totaling 1,043 kg, some innate braces, garniture and diamonds, poles and half-prepared gold things of 2,371 kg.  This fortune has a place with a container that was sent to Istanbul and another that was sold in Trieste. In 1917, 39 bits of this fortune wound up in the assets of the New York Metropolitan Museum. The Stealth Treasure is believed to be a theft got by Bulgarian pioneer Keuber. Hovered Circumstances in Run are as yet obscure.

Fortune of Illyrian Queen Teuta in Mokër

Mokër is a region of legends and histories, as far back as old circumstances. One stage, a landmark offers this region and maybe this has pulled in significantly more fortune searchers. The old extensions, for example, that of Golik, or the imperial tombs of Lower Selca, thought to have a place with the antiquated Pelion, are solid declarations of the unending inheritance of Mokra. Such is wherever in the region, to such an extent that it is hard to check them. Yet, in the event that for the straightforward occupants of Mokra, riches is the pivot that he would uncover, for the Ministry of Defense authorities a couple of years prior was the fortune of ruler Teuta. They rushed to various parts of the zone, requesting the follows that they would take to this fortune. What's more, the inhabitants recollect well with authorities originating from Tirana. Research was utilized by the Intelligence and Security Agency. Officers, specialists, and scientific experts were included,

Borsh Castle otherwise called Sopot Castle.

Borsh Castle otherwise called Sopot Castle  from the slope it is found, is a demolished stronghold close to the town Borsh, Albania, close to the shoreline of the Ionian Sea. The stronghold dates to Antiquity, and its fortresses take after the hint of an acropolis, with four consequent periods of remaking, extending from the early Byzantine time frame to the late Middle Ages. The name "Sopot" is of Slavic starting point. In medieval Greek reports, the manor is named Sopoton or Sopotos, from which its name in different dialects infers; its harbor is said in Greek portolans with the name Gazopolis. The site is first specified in the mid thirteenth century, when ecclesiastical overseer Demetrios Chomatenos composed of the "archonship of Sopotos" (Greek: ἀρχοντία Σοπωτοῡ, archontia Sopotou), some portion of the locale of Vagenetia. In 1258, the Despot of Epirus Michael II Komnenos Doukas gave the stronghold alongside Buthrotum and the island of Corfu as settlemen

The manor of Lëkurës

The manor of Lëkurës was worked in 1537 by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent who had assaulted Corfu and expected to control the harbor of Saranda and the street that associated it with Butrint. The manor used to withhold the old Lëkurës town. It has a square shape with two round towers on its north-western and south-eastern corners. To scale to the château, guests need to leave the fundamental street on Qafë Gjashtë and go up the town slope from the opposite side of the town. On the remnants of the old palace, travelers can appreciate a supper in the nearby eatery which is worked in the style and with comparable materials to the stronghold.

The goddess of Kosovo

The goddess on the position of authority is a little statue, an earthenware doll found at the factory site known as the Tatras close Pristina, Kosovo, in 1956.  The green earthenware figure is a very much saved specimen of Neolithic culture (18.5 cm high) of the four centuries BC in the way of life of Turda in Kosovo, otherwise called Vinca culture or Turda-Vinca culture.The doll being referred to speaks to a female divinity, mirroring the religion of the considerable mother symbol that is safeguarded in the Museum of Prishtina. The Kosovo Museum has adjusted the picture of the "Goddess in the Fron" as the logo of the specific establishment. In addition, as it is a standout amongst the most important archeological ancient rarities in Kosovo, it has additionally been received as an image of Pristina.

The Illyrian Tombs

The Illyrian Tombs of Selca e Poshtme (Albanian: Varret e Selcës së Poshtme) are situated close to the town of Pogradec in Albania close to the town of Selcë e Poshtme. On the correct bank of the waterway Shkumbin at a rise of 1040 m above ocean level, lie the remaining parts of the antiquated city of Pelion and the going with necropolis. The Roman Via Egnatia drove past it towards Thessaloniki. Despite the fact that there are hints of human action in Neolithic circumstances, the settlement appropriate dates to the Iron Age (Illyrian proto-urban) through to the Illyrian urban period (fifth to second hundreds of years BC),and achieved its tallness under settlement by the Illyrian clan of Enchele in the later Iron Age and was likewise possessed in the Roman time frame as hints of a metropolitan building appear. From the fourth to first hundreds of years BC the city was the illustrious home of Illyrian lords and consequently, likewise most likely a critical political and monetary cent

Presentation of Independence of Albania

On November 28, 1912, at the initially meeting of the National Assembly of Vlora, Albania's Declaration of Independence was marked, the Albanian part was composed by Luigj Gurakuqi , and the Turkish part by Ismail Qemali and composed by Shefqet Dajiu . The announcement is a short and transcribed report, marked by agents of the Assembly, with the accompanying substance: " In Vlone on 15/28 of the Third Fall 13  28/1912 After the words he stated, Chairman Ismail Kemal Bey , who indicated the danger of math in which Albania is today, all representatives with one voice proclaimed that Albania is today in itself, free and undecided . The Ottoman Empire fell in the First Balkan War that started in October 1912 and the Albanians wound up in a to a great degree troublesome position. Their pioneers were stressed by the coalition of neighboring powers (Montenegro, Serbia and Greece) instead of the debilitating of the Ottoman military nearness in their nation of origin. What they

Brari Bridge

Brari Bridge over the Tirana River is situated underneath the town of Brar. From a typological perspective, it speaks to the roundabout scaffold. This extension speaks to a stone scaffold with a two-arrange round vault. In the principal stage, the primary century AD. XVIII, the cobblestone of the extension was more steep, at that point this incline was mellowed by including dividers from the two sides. The Brari Bridge has associated the town of Brrar to Tirana and the street to Tirana - Dibra convoys, which went through the town of Tujan. The scaffold of Brari is a social landmark of class I. The extensions of the stone with a vault are the most straightforward scaffolds in development and were raised essentially in streams and waterways. Being little and not in fact troublesome from the outlook of development, spans with a vault are experienced in imperative streets of time as well as in remote towns and confined regions. The scaffold comprises of a solitary, semi-roundabout b

Tabak Bridge

Tabak Bridge is a passerby connect from the Ottoman time of the eighteenth century raised with the commitment of Esnaf of Tabak to traverse to Lea. In this period Tabak's Esnafi had a unique position in the monetary and social existence of Tirana. This scaffold was once part of the Shengjergj street associating Tirana with its eastern good country. Until the 30s, the scaffold associated the two banks of the Lana River, where the butchers' shops and cowhide handling creates were found. It demonstrates the old customs of our nation in the field of development and in addition the immense work of the Tirana big shots in this field. Tabak's Bridge varies for its consonant engineering, and in addition for the corresponding appropriation of its components. It has a stature of around 7 meters and a half and comprises of a principle curve on which an extension is raised. This bow has 8m light space and is developed with 2 side-edges of 1 meter thickness. The range from the wate


Skanderbeg's head protector has now turned into an indistinguishable piece of the saint, so natural that there is no verifiable assume that can be thought about. It additionally gets ponder an incentive because of the neediness of the relics going with the figure of Gjergj Kastrioti. Today we have the chance to reflect contrastingly for all the Albanian authority culture where the historicization of the fundamental esteems ​​of identities and our dialect is regularly an anticommunist accomplishment made by the ideological hopelessness of salaried educators. The social realism of authority antiquarians worldwide is an obstruction to illuminating a significant number of the puzzles of the past. The old and the old are ending up more confounding than any other time in recent memory by the option culture that is shaking the doctrines of college divisions with beforehand kept material. Let us never be as agreeable as we think about the past and more about legendary figures like Ska

Albanian Lek

The lek was presented as the main Albanian cash in February 1926. Before at that point, Albania was a nation without a money, holding fast to a highest quality level for the obsession of business esteems. Prior to the First World War the Ottoman Turkish piastre was in full dissemination, however following the military control of the nation by different mainland controls the gold (Franc Germinal) was embraced as the money related unit. In 1923 Italian paper coursed at Scutari, Durazzo, Valona, and Argyro-Castro, and the Greek drachma at Kortcha, the estimations of which fluctuated by region and the predominant rates of trade as contrasted and gold. The lek was named after Alexander the Great, whose name is frequently abbreviated to Leka in Albanian.[4] Alexander's representation showed up on the front of the 1 lek coin, while the switch demonstrated him on his steed. The name qindarkë originates from the Albanian qind, which means one hundred. The word is accordingly compara

Kamares Bridge

The Kamares Bridge is a bridge over the Shkumbin River, which is located in the village of Mirakë / Librazhd , Elbasan district of Albania. It was built around the year 1600, and should be designed by Albanian artist Kasem Imari. The bridge is strategic because it is located on a branch of the ancient way Egnatia.

Scanderbeg scale

Scanderbeg scale as indicated by customs was made by Skanderbeg en route to plummet on the Domozdova field. A world of the territory has understood Skanderbeg's protective cap, sword and skirt.

"The Purple Codex of Berat"

"The Purple Codex of Berat" is an imperative composition for the beginnings of the Scriptures. Based on the composition method it is believed that it was composed in the VI century p.e.s. There are 190 sheets altogether, written in silver letters. The sparkle is exceptional as the textual styles are substantial (majuscule). It contains two accounts: as per Matthew and Mark. The subject of the composition is a dark red (purple) material from which the name has additionally been given. Other imperative parts of the code are filled gold. The front of the penmanship is later than the work, it is metallic and ornamented with Bible scenes. "The Golden Codex of Anthony" has a place with the IX century and is composed in little letters "minute". It contains 4 Gospels: as indicated by John, Luke, Mark, and Matthew. Fervent figures are encompassed by beautiful edges developed of botanical and geometrical themes, circles and blooms. The two codices of Berat ar

Aqueduct of Ali Pasha

Ali Pasha's Aqueduct in Bënca, a magnificent designing work and social landmarks worked around 200 years back, the main working of its kind that is as yet standing, has not been reestablished since the 1970s. Indeed, even the rebuilding of that time was not finished and included just 16 of the 20 feet, dispensing with bows. Bënça Water Supply an uncommon designing work acquiring the time of Ali Pasha, his blessing to the town of Bënçë in the season of the wonder of Pashallëk of Ioannina is today among the overlooked reserve of open works of the period. The 20-foot conduit situated on a stone extension over the Bënçë River gullies ought to have been harmed first by a seismic swing around 35 years prior. The occupants of the territory are instructed to have reestablished it for utilitarian reasons at the time, maintaining a strategic distance from curved revamping. The reservoir conduit despite the fact that the top of the line culture landmark recorded on the rundown of uni

The old extensions of Albania

Different photos made by Marubi, or picture takers of the time, that come as proof of a time, of advancement, as well as of aesthetic esteem. Albania is on a moderately rough landscape, depicted by various streams, from the South toward the North, from East to West. Various streets worked for correspondence between zones, areas, and towns are connected to various rural scaffolds, some of which have been constructed and opposed for a considerable length of time. These extensions served the occupants in their every day lives, as well as the processions and markets of the nation. They are made of stone and timber.

Greek-Australian Chasing Ali Pasha's Fortune.

Australian fortune seeker, Vangelis Dimas, is financing an uncovering to find the accumulate of Ali Pasha, a deadly leader of the Footrest Occupation known for his outrages. The diggings are close to the town of Vassiliki, 352 kilometers (218 miles) northwest of Athens, and close Kalambaka. Ali Pasha (1740– 1822) surnamed Aslan and known as the Lion of Yannina, was a Stool Albanian ruler (pasha) of the western piece of Rumelia, the domain's region which was additionally called Pashalik of Yanina. His court was in Ioannina. As indicated by the Trikala Voice, Dimas has took care of every single potential issue, organized the legitimate procedures with the Region of Kalambaka and started unearthings once more. Two years back he said in an announcement to NET that the fortune could be worth a great many euros. This time he is persuaded that he has discovered "Ali Pasha's Rooms," in the region between Agioi Theodoroi and Theopetra. The exhuming is as of now under